Thoughts Shared at an 8th Grade Promotion Following the Mass Shooting in Ulvalde, TX

Thoughts Shared at an 8th Grade Promotion Following the Mass Shooting in Ulvalde, TX

Thoughts Shared at an 8th Grade Promotion Following the Mass Shooting in Ulvalde, TX

Thoughts in the Aftermath of the Uvalde, TX Senseless Murders

Rick Miller

May 24, 2022

This evening, May 25, in the immediate aftermath of yet another heartbreaking, tragic, and senseless act of evil and cruelty against the sweet promise and innocence of children and those who have dedicated their lives in service to them I will be speaking at Valley Horizon Elementary schools, Yuma, AZ, 6th-grade promotion ceremony. My topic is "Hope."

How do you talk about Hope knowing what we know?


Because that's what those 100-plus sixth graders and their parents, teachers, and community need to hear.

There will be many tears in my voice and a heavy weight on my heart but the hope I will be talking about is not the squishy hope that is a feeling that comes and goes.

Oh, no, the hope I'll be talking about is the hope that requires personal and collective action, that doesn't retreat. The hope I will talk about is courageous - the hope that was stolen from the laughs, squeals of delight, and dreams of our most precious.

No, my words later today will not be somber, my thoughts yes, but not my words. I will tease our honored guests, joke a bit, and inspire. That is expected and needed at graduations and promotions.

Tonight is a reminder and celebration of life and achievement. Of pride and yes, of Hope.

HOPE Inquiry

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